Green Party U.S. – Green Technology, Recycling & Alternative Energy News & Information


May 27, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

For a person concerned about environment conservation a Hybrid car is the way to go.

A hybrid car has two or more sources of power other than gasoline or diesel such as electric battery power, solar energy and hydrogen. These cars are growing in popularity due to the fact that they consume far less gasoline than a conventional car.

A conventional car emits harmful levels of chemical fumes and pollutants whereas the emissions from a hybrid car are far less and cleaner ensuring less pollution. Pollution and harmful emissions are one of the main reasons for global warming which is the reason behind the adverse weather conditions the world is faced with today. In addition these cars are almost silent which will drastically reduce the high noise pollution levels we have today.

Another reason to buy a hybrid car is its fuel efficiency. Some models can do over 40 liters per gallon. Not only will this save you thousands of dollars a year but will reduce the dependency on fuel, the reserves of which are dwindling fast.

Hybrid cars are manufactured by Toyota, Ford, GM, Honda and Nissan among many others.

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