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5 Ways to Make Halloween green

November 20, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Make next Halloween more environmentally friendly. It can be as easy as following a few simple steps:

1. Make your own costumes
Instead of buying your costumes online or from your local costume store try making them. Store-bought costumes consist of synthetic fabrics that are harmful for the environment and most often are uncomfortable to wear and look cheap and tacky. Try using fabrics around the house to create a unique costume that is environmentally friendly.

2. Give organic candy
By giving organic candy out as treats, your kids and their friends would be eating more healthy treats that are eco friendly. Buy the organic candy from your local organic or natural food store.

3. Walk
Instead of driving your kids around trick or treating, ask them to walk or better yet walk with them if you feel that it would be safer. This would save you fuel and provide you with an opportunity to increase your involvement, while being environmentally friendly.

4. Organise greener parties.
When planning Halloween parties make sure you use recycled cups, plates, hats, masks. Also, try to avoid the use of plastics and other synthetic items that are harmful for the environment. Also, to recycle the used costumes, remember to dispose of the items responsibly.

5. Tell your community
By letting your neighbors and other community members know about how and why it is important to be eco friendly, it can help others learn to be environmentally conscious. Start by telling your friends about your attitude towards the environment and encourage them to follow suit.

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