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Aluminum Wire in Electric Fences

February 9, 2015 by · Leave a Comment 

Throughout the world, vegetable and fruit gardeners face the issue of losing their precious produce to other animals or predators. If you are facing such a problem, installing electric fences in your garden might be a good deterrent to these animals. Installing electric fences do not usually take long. Depending on the scale of the garden, the installation can easily be completed within one day. In the case that your garden is huge, seeking the help of other people might be most welcomed to get the job done quicker.

The first step prior to the installation would be the measuring of the area to be fenced. This measurement would be helpful in calculating the number of aluminium wire and stakes that would be required to fence the garden. An expert in electric fencing would then need to be consulted in order to determine the amount of material required.

The next crucial step would be the installation of the metal stakes. These would need to be adequately spaced at a distance of three to five feet from each other. Either a pile driver or sledgehammer can be used in order to secure them. When the stakes are firmly fixed, the aluminium wire can then be threaded. Once the wire is properly threaded, the electric connection can be set up. At this point the electric box should not be plugged. After a careful inspection of the wirings to ensure that everything is safely secured, the electric box can then be plugged.

Jason Governo has extensive hands-on experience in marketing farming fences. Farm Supply Store sells electric fence wire for gardens and farms.

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