Green Party U.S. – Green Technology, Recycling & Alternative Energy News & Information

E-Waste – The Ugly Truth

May 13, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Electronics are all the rage, not just in America, but all around the world; and it will continue to be so for many more years. With new products constantly being developed, who cannot resist getting themselves brand new fancy gadgets, be it an iPad or a funky mobile phone. The most important question is: how do you get rid of your old stuff?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) figures indicate that in 2007, the USA was responsible for turning out around 3 million tones of e-waste. Out of this, a mere 13.6% was recycled. What happened to the rest? It either ended up in landfills or was shipped across to third world countries. E-waste seems to be growing and growing, fuelling concern regarding health and the environment as well.


Electronic items contain various toxins such as mercury, lead, beryllium and arsenic which are responsible for various health issues and even cancer. According to an official at the Natural Resources Defence Council (NDRC), a single electronic item has adequate toxins to seriously affect the health of one person. For example, a CRT monitor contains 4-8lbs of lead.

Taking this into consideration, do not just throw away electronic equipment like you do with normal garbage. If these items get into landfills, the toxins could seep into groundwater and eventually poison the water in the area – posing very serious health concerns. Incinerating it is even worse.
A report by the Government Accountability Office in 2008 indicated that an extensive amount of electronic equipment was sent across to third world countries such as India, Africa and China. In these countries, people tend to take these products apart using their bare hands, which, in turn exposes them to these harmful chemicals. Sometimes, such electronic items are found in unlined pits which means, the groundwater could get poisoned.
While legislation against exporting electronic waste does not exist as yet, it is currently being lobbied for; but until then, it lies in the hand of responsible e-recyclers.

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