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Earth Day

March 19, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Some people say that the future lies in our hands whereas others say that it is definitely out of our control, like the Mayans predicted. But regardless of whoever is right, things have changed rather drastically (as it is being taken far more seriously) since the first Earth day was celebrated by the United Nations in 1971, conceptualized originally by the peace activist John McConnell and then celebrated on April 22 worldwide each year, for which the credit goes to U. S Senator Gaylord Nelson.

To put it simply, Earth Day is about appreciating as well as creating awareness for the Earth’s environment, and how important it will be to future generations. However, this appreciation and awareness does not stop at words but is driven by its philosophy in action – the three Rs.

Reduce – The first step is to reduce the amount of trash that we generate, and that comes from buying fewer things, perhaps more suited to one’s needs rather than their wants.

Reuse – This one is linked to the first step which means that instead of trashing what we buy immediately, one should find creative and new ways to reuse these items that were meant to be disposed of.

Recycle – This step involves ‘reusing’ what you bought but in a different way. If one can dispose of used items such as plastic, paper, aluminum cans, glass and so on and so forth at recycling facilities to be reprocessed for use again, it will limit the amount of garbage to a large extent.

The options are endless to conserve resource and it just depends on the individual to do his bit, really.

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