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Energy Saving with Window Film

January 15, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Saving energy is a top priority in the world today. The main reason being: everyone’s commitment towards saving the planet. Energy savings can benefit you immensely in terms of saving costs, especially in the wake of rising fuel prices.

Today, people across the globe are quite concerned about the effect any practice has on the environment, while most companies are striving to reduce their carbon foot print. This then boils down to saving money spent on energy obtained.

At home or in your office, you must know of the cost effectiveness of utilizing double glazed units, wall cavities and loft insulation. Another solution still not entirely known is the use of window film. Using it can help cut down greatly on air conditioning bills during summer and even winter heating bills.

The types of window film you can use are two-fold. One of them, once installed, helps conserve energy; while the solar window film stops heat from the sun from entering the building. Low E also referred to as low emissivity window film is fabulous in preventing any summer heat coming in or winter heat loss.

Solar film is designed to block infrared rays. These are parts of the sun that carry the heat it emits. Coolclear is one such item which is spectrally selective solar film that comes in an un-tinted format, is clear to the eye and blocks off 70% of solar heat. Reflective window film blocks over 80% of solar heat.

Low-E film stops solar heat from entering the room and also prevents winter heat loss. The film comes with a solar coating that prevents over 80% of solar heat from penetrating the building and vice versa. The use of low-E film is known to cut down winter heat loss by as much as 33%.

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