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Energy Star Program Not So Reliable Anymore?

November 14, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

The energy star program exists to make the public aware of the energy use of appliances and provide a means to reduce that usage. The label also works as a marketing tool, which highlights to consumers the difference between one product and its competitor products. Products with the energy star label are more expensive, but are cheaper to use over a long-term. The products under this label include energy efficient appliances, efficient insulation and improved building designs that use natural light.

The latest report published in the New York Times states that bad implementation is to blame for complaints about the misrepresentation of the energy use on some appliances. The report also mentioned the reason some appliances were not energy efficient was because some products with the label were not tested for compliance prior to being granted the energy star classification.

The department of energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have now decided to set new standards that would help to increase the credibility of the label. But congressed passed legislation that gives total responsibility of the program to the DOE. This will have implications on the DOE’s and EPA’s budget and staffing needs.

These latest reports can have an impact on the trust that consumers place on the label, which can have an impact on sales.

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