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Enjoy the Outdoors on Your Patio Furniture

August 9, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

When summer gets going, the last thing anybody wants to do is barricade themselves inside like they did all winter. Even if it’s only lying out for a tan, sipping a cold drink, or watching the setting sun, you can’t beat relaxing outside when the weather’s warm. To get the most out of your summer, patio furniture gives you comfort without the hassle of dragging furniture outside every time you want fresh air.

Custom patio furniture exists in nearly any design and style imaginable, able to match your home and personal preferences. You can have basic plastic chairs to elegant wicker seat cushion furniture and chaise loungers. Simply put, people end up spending more time outside than in when they have a comfortable place to relax.

To hold up to the environment, many outdoor furnishings are made of treated metal, wood, or plastic to withstand rain, wind, and dirt. These aren’t comfortable for long-term enjoyment though, because of their hard surfaces. To fix this, a majority come with soft foam cushions to pad and comfort the user. However, some are made of traditional padding materials which need to be put away during weather so they don’t absorb moisture and rot. If you’ve left these seat pads out in the rain one too many times, many manufacturers will make custom bench cushions and will even use the original fabric covering for a replacement.

Other cushions utilize specialty outdoor foam that will not absorb moisture. These unique materials allow water to drain through their form, with air passing through as well, so they can be left outside all season. This means you don’t have to waste space inside storing non-outdoor cushions, or try to juggle the cushions with everything else you want to bring outside when it’s time to relax.

If you don’t have outdoor furniture, even the simplest folding chair, consider all the relaxation you’re missing out on.

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