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Global Warming- The Myths and the Realities

August 20, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Greenhouse gases are paramount to life, because they keep the Earth’s surface warm. Unfortunately, the concentrations of these gases have dramatically increased in the atmosphere in the recent past, which makes the planets temperature much warmer. Scientists believe this increase in temperature will have a negative, severe impact on the Earth’s future.

Despite what you might have read or heard, It is not true that global warming and the extra carbon dioxide will actually benefit the Earth by stimulating crop growth. Warming that is not too severe will still have a massive impact on our environment. The effect of global warming will increase temperatures and the levels of the seas causing damage to coastlines and their communities. The carbon dioxide levels will raise the acidity of the oceans, which will harm marine life.

Scientists believe higher levels of carbon dioxide under certain conditions can act as a plant fertilizer, however, they now believe that the carbon dioxide fertilization effect on crops has been exaggerated in natural ecosystems. The fertilization effect can decline as plants become acclimated after only a few years. The increased carbon dioxide may aid the detrimental, weedy species of plants more than beneficial species.

People cause global warming by cutting down forests and through the burning fossil fuels. It is not just a natural process, from things such as volcanic eruptions, cosmic rays and sunlight. Scientists have ruled these natural environmental nocturnes out. Today there are a much higher level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as much as twenty five percent more than in the past.

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