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Go Green: 6 Ways to Be a Greener Student

November 22, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Being an environmentally friendly student is important, especially as high school and college set the pattern on how you go about the rest of your life. Here are some simple steps that you can incorporate to give back to the environment.

1. Cycle to University – Instead of taking the car to your lectures, buy a bike and cycle to university. This will save you fuel and can be a great way to burn a few extra calories.

2. Buy organic items – Instead of shopping at your local supermarket for groceries, visit an organic store. Organic produce are healthier to eat and are a great way to be eco friendly. You will find that prices for organic food have fallen in the recent years making such
produce more affordable.

3. Conserve energy – This can be as easy as switching off unused lights or turning off your tap when soaping dirty dishes. You will find that these little changes will make a difference on your monthly bills.

4. Buy energy saving products – By using energy efficient appliances in your student apartment or dorm you would be using less energy. For example, energy efficient lightbulbs last longer and use much less electricity than regular lightbulbs.

5. Recycle – By recycling bottles, cans, magazines can be an excellent way to be greener.

6. More involvement – Speak to your university’s student association and join their environmental programs or just start your own. It can be a great way to meet new people and be eco friendly.

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