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How Recycling Paper Helps the Ecosystem

February 5, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

The process of taking waste paper (also known as scrap paper in the recycling process) and running it through an eight-step process to produce new paper products is known as ‘recycling paper’. This easy process is significantly beneficial for our eco-system.

Paper, as is well known, is made using wood as the raw material. About 43% of the world’s wood harvested is used to produce paper. Studies show that recycling newspapers alone saves us about one ton of wood while recycling printed paper saves around two tons.

Though it is still a subject under debate, energy savings is also one of the benefits of recycling paper. The Bureau of International Recycling and the Energy Information Administration both claim varying percentages in the consumption of energy when recycled paper is produced but still the numbers prove to be of significance. United States, which is the number one customer in using paper, has found that recycling paper reduces water and air pollution by 35% and 74% respectively.

There are also other economic benefits in recycling paper. An estimated 1.1 million jobs a year are created in the United States and it is possible for companies to save millions of dollars by voluntarily recycling paper.

Recycling paper will stop the felling of trees and our forest reserves will be preserved for the wild life habitat. So think twice before printing unless it is necessary to do so. This will help keep our planet green and make it a better place for our future generations.

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