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Impact of plastic bags on the environment

September 28, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

They are convenient for shopping, cheap and easy to carry and millions are used daily. It was once considered a good alternative to using paper bags, as paper meant the cutting of more trees. But these bags are creating an ecological nightmare and have resulted in certain states and countries like Australia and South Africa even banning or taxing the use of them.

According to the data of the Environmental Protection Agency the most dangerous carcinogens and toxic emissions are produced by plastic manufacturing plants. The production of plastic bags require the use of dangerous chemicals such as Bisphenol-A among many others.

Plastic takes a very long time to biodegrade. This means we have landfill that is filled with plastic bags that will remain as such for long periods of time. These bags are mostly used once and get thrown away.

When plastic does breakdown it emits dangerous toxins such as mercury, BHT, Irganox, lead, cadmium, and diethyl hexyphosphate to the environment which damages health and the environment.

Is the convenience of using plastic bags worth all the destruction it causes? When you go shopping take a re-usable bag or a basket and say no to plastic.

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