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It is Easy to Be Green in the Kitchen

December 19, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

An eco-friendly kitchen may begin with eating green, but does not stop there. To have a healthy kitchen it is important to prepare food in an energy-efficient way, use healthy cleaning products, use equipment made of sustainable material, and avoid toxic chemicals. Having a green kitchen is not just about minimizing the impacts on the environment, but also having sensible home expenditures.

When choosing cookware and utensils for the kitchen, choose what lasts a long time. Teflon, which is a health hazard, also has a limited useful life span. Stainless steel or cast iron is the best option, especially with cast iron lasting for generations. Choose strong utensils that will not rot or melt with long time use. Energy-efficient appliances are becoming very popular and for many reasons. The kitchen is the room where the most energy is used with appliances accounting for almost 40% of the total energy consumed in many homes. Using energy-efficient appliances makes the kitchen much greener.

On average, the kitchen produces the most waste out of any room in a home. There are many ways to cut back on waste in the kitchen. Taking your own bags when shopping eliminates the collection of unnecessary bags. It is also important not to buy more than you need. If you are throwing away a lot of food, then you are obviously buying too much. Instead of throwing excess away, buy only what you need; this saves the environment and your wallet at the very same time.

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