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Natural remedies for the flu and cold

December 3, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Natural cold and flu remedies can be a great way to prevent colds, fever, and sore throats. The good thing about natural remedies is the fact that they do not contain harmful chemicals that your body does not need, and they are inexpensive and relatively easy to make.

A congested nose often annoys and embarrasses people. You can easily use a Neti pot to relieve the congestion. This involves mixing salt with water and inserting a few droplets through each nostril.

You can also use herbs as another great way to relieve cold or flu symptoms. Herbs like Echinacea and Thyme are a great and inexpensive way to relieve cold and flu symptoms. Take Echinacea as soon as you notice the first sign of cold or flu symptoms. It will help increase your white blood cells and fight the virus.

Thyme, on the other hand, can help relieve congestion. You just need to add some of the herb in boiling water and inhale the vapor. If you find it hard to look for the herb, simply inhale the boiling water vapor. It will help loosen mucus in the nasal passage and relieve congestion.

Also, remember to get sufficient rest when you feel that you are coming down with a cold or flu. Rest can help your body concentrate on fighting the virus, which means that you would feel better faster. Make sure you drink plenty of warm or hot fluids so that your body is well hydrated.

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