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New ‘Smart’ Roof Reads the Thermometer, Saves Energy in Hot and Cold Climates

April 17, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

You can either have a roof that helps to cut air conditioning costs during the summer, such as a ‘cool roof’; or you could get one that helps warm up the house during the winter. Whichever one you choose, you can only have it one way.

Recently, scientists spoke of a new development – a ‘smart’ roof which is coated with used cooking oil disposed at fast food restaurants. What is even better: the ‘smart’ roof can also read a thermometer, making it switch roles. This way, the roof either reflects the sunlight or absorbs it, depending on the climate.

The new development was outlined in San Francisco at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.

Ben Wen, Ph.D., leader of the research project and also the vice-president of United Environment & Energy LLC in Horseheads, N.Y said this new development was one of the most practical and innovative coatings for roofs. He spoke of how the new roof coating would help save electricity and fuel, thus leading to lesser emissions from roofing products which are petroleum based. He also highlighted the top recycling factor as well.

Previous to this new development, scientists proved that ‘white roofs’ were great ways to beat the heat, proving to be a good reflector and a great mechanism to cool down buildings, especially during the scorching summer heat. This however, does have its minus points, especially during winter.
The ‘intelligent’ roof coating could cool down the roof temperature on hot days by as much as 50-80%, and heat it up on cold days up to 80%. Scientists say that even though this could mean just a few degrees in temperature, it could have a huge effect on the electricity bill.

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