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Recycling For Profit

July 12, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

There is an effort afoot to encourage recycling. Most of it stems from environmental concerns, but many people have found out that it is possible to recycle for profit. The amount of revenue you can receive from recycling is totally dependent on your own efforts.

If you live in a state that has a redemption value placed on certain bottles and cans and all you do is merely recycle the empties you purchased at the grocery store you are not making profit – but merely getting reimbursed (remember you paid a deposit for those Coke cans). But if you actively search out empty bottles and cans – from your neighbors or along the roadside, anything you turn in to a recycling center is profit.

But recycling for profit doesn’t just mean bottles and cans. There are a number of items which can be recycled for cash. If you don’t mind digging around in your garage, basement or attic, you can collect scrap metal and sell it to local recycling centers. Most metals such as copper and aluminum can be recycled for cash. It’s all done by weight. So fill up the back of the pick-up and start earning money. If you are up for it, drive around the neighborhood and offer to remove your neighbor’s scrap metal as well.

Another less physical method to recycle for profit is by selling cell phones. However, not every cell phone can be recycled for profit. Locate a reputable cell phone recycling company – let them know what phone you have and if it’s one that has recycle value send it in – and they will buy it straight away.

Don’t forget recycling for profit can also mean selling your unwanted items through the Internet (Craig’s List, Ebay) or by holding a garage sale.

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