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Recycling Paper

August 13, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Paper is in every aspect of our lives. We may not even think of all the ways we use paper, such a tissue, paper towels, mail, baby diaper, newspaper, boxes, cartons, and containers. Packaging for products is 41% of all paper use worldwide according to the Bureau of International Recycling. We use paper at work and school to write on it, or read the pages of books. The United States use 700 pounds of paper per person; worldwide each person uses 110 pounds annually. It is imperative that we understand that paper is a very integral part of our lives, and then learn ways to recycle paper.

Recycling paper is obviously good for trees, because 35% of all trees worldwide that are cut down each year to make into paper. Most companies that mill paper reforest, but trees can grow as fast as our use of paper. Recycling paper saves energy too. The Bureau of International Recycling claims that recycling paper instead of new trees, saves 64% of fossil fuel use. Recycling one ton of paper, can save enough electric to fuel a house for a year. Another benefit of recycling paper is to reduce paper in landfills, 35% of landfill waste is paper that could have been recycled.

Today, paper is made from trees mostly grown in working forests and from recovered paper. Recycling has always been a part of paper making. When you recycle your used paper, paper mills will use it to make new paper products. 36% of the fiber used to make paper or paper products come from recycling in the United States, although internationally 50% of all paper is made from recycled paper.

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