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Farm Equipment

Save Money and the Environment with Used Parts

August 21, 2014 by · Leave a Comment 

By Worthington Ag Parts

If you’re a farmer, you probably have a real passion for what you do, combined with a respect for Mother Nature. Obviously, without respecting the environment, you probably wouldn’t get very far as a farmer. Yet, sometimes your job and that respect for the environment can come into conflict leaving you at odds for what you should be doing.

One example of this is when you need new parts for your equipment. On the one hand, without the right equipment—and thus the parts that go with it—you’re going to be producing a lackluster product and your farm will suffer. You definitely can’t have that. On the other hand, new parts mean that somewhere, the industrial process is probably hurting the environment. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way.

You can go online and find all kinds of parts that will fit the bill and leave Mother Nature alone. From used combine parts to used diesel engine parts and everything in between, it’s all there. Plus, the best part is that you’ll save money in the process too.


No one ever said running a farm would be easy, but it takes more than just hard work to be a success in this industry. It also takes the right equipment, which usually means it takes a lot of money. But when you go to Worthington Ag parts, you can find used farm equipment that will work just fine and come in way under budget.

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