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Seven Eco Friendly Ways to Go Green for Free

March 14, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

It is not wrong if one considers ‘going green’ a lifestyle choice, one which requires the use of products that do not harm the environment (both plants and animals) as well as recycles products that can have negative repercussions as well. In doing so, one creates an environment (in simple ways) that also facilitates a healthy lifestyle as well.

This is not just the responsibility of organizations, government but pertains to choices that we can make differently from day to day at home, on our way to work. And it can be done for free, if not for a profit.
Here are several eco-friendly ways by which one can go green for free:

1. Save energy – Be careful how you use the resources that we take for granted everyday such as electricity. You can use fluorescent bulbs as well as shut off electronic equipment when not in use. This can save you a lot of money if you cannot go for an alternative power source like solar panels.
2. Use eco-friendly products as well as groceries that are organic in nature.
3. Recycle metal, paper and glass based products.
4. Fertilize your garden or lawn with garbage with food compost.
5. Carpool to work, work from home, or plan your trips combining daily errands in order to save miles. Even better still, try and walk to complete your errands.
6. Buy recycled items at garage sales or recycle furniture, clothes, paper (books) and appliances appropriately.
7. Conserve water by using it sparingly, and perhaps even using a rain barrel to water your garden.

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