Green Party U.S. – Green Technology, Recycling & Alternative Energy News & Information

Simple Ways We Can All Go Green

July 12, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Lately, there has been a great deal of emphasis placed on conserving our planet’s resources, recycling, and saving energy. Below, we will examine some simple ways we can all go green.

Plastic and styrofoam drinking cups are difficult to recycle, and the disposal of these cups are detrimental for our environment. This problem can be solved by purchasing a reusable water bottle. A stainless steel bottle is a good choice, and most are lead free. Packing your lunch is another simple way to cut down on food costs in your household. Brown bagging is planet friendly if your lunch is packaged in reusable lunch bag, stainless steel water bottle and stainless steel sandwich holder. The result is a healthy and delicious lunch, and there is no paper to throw away. Another simple way to go green, is to set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter, and a few degrees higher in the summer. This will add up to savings at the end of one year. Washing your clothes in cold water is also a good green tip. 85%of the energy used in machine washing clothes, goes to heating the water. Unplugging appliances when not in use will add up to a significant energy savings, that includes the cell phone charger. Many homes have three or four cell phone chargers plugged into the outlets at one time, due to many family members having their own cell phones. Saving water is as important as saving energy, so reduce your shower time by a few minutes each day and install a low flow showerhead. We can all save gas if we walk or bike instead of drive to destinations that are near to us. Carpooling is a good idea to save gas if it is possible, one more way we can go green.

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