Green Party U.S. – Green Technology, Recycling & Alternative Energy News & Information

The Advantage of Recycling

August 3, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Today, the hip thing to do is “be green”, but people all around the world that are trying to save the earth seem to be forgetting the most important thing of them all. They drive hybrids, save water, and use energy saving light bulbs, but you never hear people talk about recycling! Recycling has been around for many years now, but if used and done more now than ever, the world would benefit from it so greatly and drastically, that we may be able to really slow down the march of global warming.

Recycling is actually much easier than people make it sound. In fact, it is as easy as placing items in a bin, literally! Instead of throwing away your trash into a trash can so wastefully, instead place them into a recycling bin. You can have a bin for just about any item such as plastic, metal, glass, tin, paper, and even compost such as banana peels and apple cores.

If you recycle, you are also saving so much space and are saving so much more fresh oxygen for us to breath on the earth. When we just throw items away without recycling them, they go to a dump site and pile up upon other trash piles hundreds of feet high, and miles long for sometimes years until finally they are burned. The smoke from the burned garbage goes all over the world, polluting our air. But when you recycle, the items are reused, renewed, and of course, recycled!

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