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The Challenges of Planting Poppy Seeds

March 17, 2015 by · Leave a Comment 

Written by Smart Poppy Seed

Poppies tend to grow quite easily when sown directly in a garden. These plants would also self-seed in the next year, taking up all the space available to them in garden bed. However, there are several conditions in which these poppy plants would thrive and these need to be properly respected in order to get healthy plants.

Cool Climate

The poppyseed tends to prefer cool climates and these can be planted in early spring. However, some gardeners prefer to sow the seeds in mid-fall. The seeds would then be spending winter in the soil and then sprout out when the spring comes.


Poppy seeds would be needing well drained soil. If your soil is too heavy, a solution would be to mix in some sand to make it grainy and well-amended to welcome the poppy plants. The soil would also need to be kept moist to promote germination. In the spring months the weather would be naturally helping with the watering.


In order to germinate, whether you have planted in fall or early spring, you poppies would be needing a constant amount of light. The seeds can also be raked lightly in the surface of the soil if they have not yet germinated.


Once the seeds have started to germinate and the plants have reached about 2 inches in length, they would need to be evenly spaced out. Generally, the seed label would contain spacing instructions.

Smart Poppy Seed in an online retailer of bulk poppy seeds for people wondering where to buy poppy seeds. They propose a variety of blue poppy that can be consumed daily and used in recipes.

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