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Waste at Home – Part 1 – Reduce

April 10, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Taking action against waste at home is one of the best things you can do to help the environment. Each household is capable of producing almost a ton of waste each year, and sometimes even more. So you can see how this adds up and creates a problem for the nation as well as the world. Here are some steps you can take to reduce the amount of waste produced.

Avoid buying it if you really don’t need it.

Buy long lasting products, it may cost you a bit more but its longevity will help you and the environment.
Opt for toys that do not require batteries. If you really need batteries then switch to rechargeable ones or find toys that contain rechargeable battery packs.

Just because it is broken, do not throw it away. Get it fixed or fix it yourself. If it is an electrical item please seek help when fixing it.

Try to buy foods that require little or no packaging. For example, buy apples or oranges as opposed to getting a packet of potato chips. Buying bulk
packs of food will also help as the packaging will be less overall. For example, buying large packets of cookies is a good idea as opposed to small ones.

Shift to reusable bottles ad containers for your drinks and food.

Try to avoid disposable items. For example, use a standard camera instead of a disposable one. Another example is using metal crockery and cutlery
whenever possible and stop using tissues and go back to washable handkerchiefs.

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