Green Party U.S. – Green Technology, Recycling & Alternative Energy News & Information

Waste Recycling Does Actually Help the Environment!

September 11, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Recycling is much talked about in many forums these days. Countries around the world have taken measures to ensure materials such as paper, metals and glass are reused and recycled. While such recycling is important towards the conservation of the environment, it helps to save on resources as well. The process of recycling also reduces pollution and waste generation. Here’s how waste recycling helps the environment:

” Reduces the use of non-renewable resources – like petroleum. Such materials act as raw materials in the production of several items. Materials like petroleum take years to be formed, and there is a need reduce their usage.
” Reduces landfills – waste pileups lead to landfills, making it not just a sore sight but a definite threat to the environment. To prevent such hazards, landfills are generally sealed, inhibiting the degradation process. Recycling reduces the load on landfills.
” Reduces pollution – the production and refining process of glass and metals releases a lot of smoke and harmful carbon dioxide into the environment. Recycling reduces the levels of pollution. Dumping items like batteries, cell phones, electronic devices and computers containing lead – which then leaks into the soil and water resources, damaging flora and fauna, animals and even humans. Landfills breed pests such as mosquitoes and rats responsible for harmful diseases.
” Helps protect nature – constant use of raw materials used for paper, fuel and the like disrupts the balance in the environment, destroying natural habitats and leading to the extinction of plants and animals.

Practice recycling and reuse at home. It is the best place to start saving the environment.

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