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What Action Will Obama Take When It Comes to The Environment?

April 3, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Only a month ago, President Obama has decided to reverse environmental policies as set by the Bush administration, and according to most experts, this is a sign of things to come when it comes to the Obama administration making changes to deal with climate change.

So here are a few things that might occur over the next few months that will set in action moves that will bring about a much-needed change in environmental policy:

#1: Authorize EPA to deal with global warming

While the Bush administration rejected the EPA’s involvement in the curbing of global warming, Obama might authorize scientists’ recommendation to find whether or not the air endangers the human safety and health.

#2:  Law to cap greenhouse gas emissions

While there has been no such legislation that has been passed despite much discussion, there is reason to believe that Obama might work with both parties to come up with a comprehensive law to cap greenhouse gas emission.

#3: Set new standards for the production of alternative energy

No US national standard has been set even though a number of states now require power companies to produce a certain amount of energy from alternative sources. Environmentalists have suggested that this standard be set at 25 percent from geothermal, wind and solar sources.

#4: Recognize the benefits of energy efficiency on the climate

Until now, the only standard that has been set in place is to use less oil but this might all change as Obama and his team might change the energy efficiency standards for household appliances, which will in turn, curb climate-warming emissions.

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