Green Party U.S. – Green Technology, Recycling & Alternative Energy News & Information

Why Should you Recycle?

July 4, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Sometimes, when you have been doing something for a long time, it is easy to forget why you are doing what you are doing. Recycling is one such thing. Most of us probably do it because “it is the right thing to do”. Well here’s a reminder of why exactly we all should recycle.

1. Economy – Recycling sends back valuable raw material to the manufacturing industry. By doing this, the high cost of importing or sourcing raw materials is cut down.

2. Jobs – Over a million Americans are employed in recycling or reuse plants across the nation. The more we recycle the more jobs we create.

3. Waste reduction – On average, every American citizen dumps over seven pounds of garbage every single day. The garbage ends up in landfills and is then compacted. The compacted garbage is then buried underground.

4. Energy reduction – Compared against raw materials, using recycled materials consumes less energy in the manufacturing process.

5. Landfill reduction – The less we send to the landfills, the fewer landfills we need.

6. Reduce global warming – Recycling reduces the amount of greenhouse gasses that are released into the atmosphere. Essentially this means reduce our carbon footprint.

7. Conserve the environment – Recycling means that less of the forests, rivers, and wetlands are destroyed in the search for raw materials. It also means that less pollutants leak into the ground though landfills.

These may seem like simple things that you always knew. Nevertheless it is always good to remind yourself that recycling is more than what it seems at first glance.

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